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Monthly Archives: August 2013

Greetings, Bearers!

Before I jump into the meat of the post, I want to throw out a hearty welcome to those of you who have been looking at Clade Josso and some of the other works from Smashwords.  To you I say Thank you and hope you continue to enjoy reading the works as much as I enjoyed writing them.

All is going well.  Editing of Kran is moving along, as well as getting close to the end of Bherta, and I’ve contacted a potential cover artist for my short story duet, which will be on its way as soon as I can get a cover and tie up some other loose ends with the stories! 😀   Hopefully, you’ll have some “back to school” reading available for you, compliments of Yours Truly, when all is said and done.  Again, those of you who are patiently waiting, I thank you VERY much for your understanding.  And thank you again for the feedback that some of you have sent regarding my works that you’ve read!  If you are one of the many who have picked up my work but  haven’t dropped me a line, please feel free to do so.

And now, my potential announcement about branching out: I’m considering fooling around with mystery/detective writing.

Now, those of you who have expressed love for the sci-fi/fantasy/horror works, don’t panic.  I’ll still be working on more stories in those “Veins” (yes, pun intended 🙂 ) as that will always be a passion for me to pursue.  But I’ve been fiddling with a character that’s taken shape in my imagination, and think that he could be put to use in a genre other than the fantastic.  He’s meant to be a bit of an unconventional take on the private investigator persona, with a few differences thrown in here and there, and he has at least one semi-short story reserved for him, perhaps more if it proves to be successful.

And, much to the delight of my Bear-loving son, he’ll be set in Chicago.

So that’s what I’m looking into adding to my plate, along with keeping the imagination working in the otherworldly sense as well.  Back to writing, work, and football for me now.  Keep the feedback coming, folks!

See you in the Vein!

J. Dean